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All questions about popcorn sales should be directed to Popcorn Kernel 


To fund the planned program at Pack 461, we ask that each scout sell $100 of popcorn. We ask that every scout try participating in the

popcorn program at least once. We also offer the option of an additional $65 contribution to the Pack in lieu of selling popcorn.

Online Sales

Create an online account at Trail’s End for your scout and share your code on social media and by email to friends and family. They pay Trail’s End directly by credit card and get free shipping for orders over $90. Click here for more details on setting up an online sales page.

When registering a new account, use the Council Name “National Capital Area Council” and the District Name is “Potomac”. You can upload pictures, set goals, and write a short blurb about the kinds of things your Cub Scout likes about the program. You will get an 8 digit Scout Code and a URL to share with friends and family on social media and email.

Take Order

Use your paper order form to take orders from your neighbors, local friends and family. Send your orders and payment to the Popcorn Kernel and we will arrange a pickup day when you can get your products. You can collect cash at the time of delivery and later send a check to the Pack when you finalize all your orders.

Show and Sell

The Pack will arrange for sales at the church after services. The total sales for the event will be divided among the scouts in attendances. Wear your uniform!  Credit cards are accepted at these events.

Military Donation

Many people are interested in helping the local scouts, but don’t want to buy popcorn. Encourage them to choose the military donation option on your order form.

Important Dates

Give your orders and payment to the Popcorn Kernel by xyz. Please submit full payment with your order form. Pick-up time and location To Be Announced. Online orders are fulfilled directly by Trail’s End and can be done year-round.

Council Popcorn Sales Page
Trail’s End Training Videos

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