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Cub Scout Day Camp 2017

June 19-23 at Lois Green – Sligo Izaak Walton League,  Gaithersburg

Theme:  “Bug Hunters”

Activities likely: archery, BBs, crafts, fishing, games, nature, scout skills, sports, STEM

Camp flyer

The most important thing to understand about Cub Day Camp is that this is not a drop off or daycare program. A 2:10 scout to parent ratio is required. This means for a den of up to 10 scouts two parents must always be present. Parents usually carve up the week to provide coverage across the week rather than taking the whole week. Lions will be Tigers as of June 1, so they can attend Day Camp. But Tigers require a 1:1 adult to scout ratio, so if your Tiger wants to attend so will a parent.

Adult volunteers at Day Camp are also needed (and up to two of the volunteer’s sons can go to camp for free – this is a good deal if your son wants to go, if you can spend the week there volunteering, and if you can’t get the whole den to go.) The Day Camp Coordinator likes to see people with special skills like Range Officers or Archery Instructors volunteer, but even if your skill is just knowing how to glue Popsicle sticks together, there’s a volunteer spot for everyone.

If you are interested in Cub Scout Day Camp, get your den together and register for day camp before the price goes up on April 23rd! The fee is $190 now and keeps going up after that.

More information can be found on the NCAC website

Registrations are only processed through the Pack.

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