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Adults Joining the Pack

All parents are welcome to join as adult members of the Pack. Parents of Lions and Tigers act as adult partners and show up on our roster as members, even though their main responsibility is to chaperone their own child.

All leaders are required to join the pack (Den Leaders, Cubmaster, Lion Guide) and additional adults in leadership positions are encouraged to join the Pack Committee (Scouting for Food Chair, Blue and Gold Chair, Activities Chair, and other positions). All adults volunteers need to take the Youth Protection Training to learn how we all work together to keep our boys safe.

Much more detail on the steps involved follows in the next two sections:

Adult Leaders new to Cub or Boy Scouting
Adult Leaders returning to Pack 461

Adult Leaders new to Pack 461

Training and background checks are required by The Boy Scouts of America (BSA), St. Jane de Chantal Parish, and the Archdiocese of Washington (ADW)  before volunteers may work with children. Fees for the background checks, courses, and registration can be reimbursed by the Pack.

  1. Fill out and sign all pages of the Adult Application
  2. Visit to take Youth Protection Training (YPT)
    • Forward the email with your attached certificate to
  3. Complete the ADW Background Check and Fingerprinting Process. Here are some documents you will need to complete the process:
    1. Overall Instructions
    2. ADW Volunteer Application
    3. List of fingerprinting locations
    4. Pre-filled LiveScan form to bring to fingerprinting location
  4. When you receive notification that you passed your ADW background check, send notice of your background check completion to Mauro Tiso
    • After the ADW background check is completed, our Chartering Organization will approve your adult application.
  5. Plan time to complete your online position training at Consider attending one of the two council in person training events, Pow Wow in the fall, and University of Scouting in the spring.
  6. Leaders will be able to enter Den events, advance scouts, and follow Pack events on Scoutbook.
  7. Pack Committee meetings are the third Monday of the month from 7-8 pm in the cafeteria at St. Jane de Chantal.

Adult Leaders returning to Pack 461

  1. Adults keeping the same role/position do not have to fill out a new application.
  2. Adults moving to Webelos Den Leader or other Pack leadership positions need to fill out a new application for the new position.
  3. Adults filling a new role/position must fill out a paper Adult Application.
    • Attached an unexpired YPT and ADW training certificates to your application and send a copy as pdf format by email to
  4. Plan time to complete your position online training at Consider attending one of the two council in person training events, Pow Wow in the Fall, and University of Scouting in the Spring.
  5. Adults will be able to track scout advancement, enter calendar dates, and message the Pack via Scoutbook as required by their new leadership role.
  6. Pack Committee meetings are typically once month in the Nalls Room at St. Jane de Chantal.
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